Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Viewers and Bloggers alike

Well, WOrds Words WOrds....

Haha!!! U are thinking that this about the song that beegees sang decades ago right???


WORDS are the most powerful thing used by mankind.. It can be used even to hurt or heal...
imagine the power it posseses...

Many things wouldnt be around if it isnt for WORDS.. Gods ways are Spread using WORDS and his teachings written all in WORDS so all mankind can read...( it applies to all religion)

Imagine a world without WORDS... HOw can we communicate to each other..??

BUt however, WORDS can also bring destruction... Ever heard of the word SPECULATION... this SPECULATION also needs words to back it up...

There wouldn't any progress in the world if there was no WORDS... Can anyone imagine a world without communication????

However.. just imagine.. 1 single WORD can bring lots of meaning.. SO... imagine a few of them stringed together... it will even bring the world down..

WEll... to hit the spot... many bloggers and viewers alike do not actually read those stupid long long blogs that is full of information or a story written in desperation... The phrase"a picture speaks a thousand words" has actually kicked in overthrowing "a pen is sharper than a spear"

Almost everybody is the same.. believe it or not, u can try writing thousands and thousands of words but still u will be the only one knowing what in the world u are writing about.. This is one of the main reasons why we only see very scarce groups of story writers... WHERE IS THE APPRECIATION TO ALL THEIR WORK??????/

Blogs which have many many pictures are labelled as good blogs and less pictures are gone case..

Lets see... even if i scold someone here nobody will even realise...KNNCCB

ok to prove my words..... ALL SHOUTERS ARE HEARTLESS

nobody will know... hahahaha i am just writing all these crap to satisfy myself and to prove tomyself that my theory is right....

What has HAPPENED to MR>APPRECIATION... Isnt anybody seeing him anymore???

After much thought , i did say some things that hurt others...( i MIS-USED WORDS)...

WORDS often slip out of me without me knowing and hurting others before i could hold it back...

I never meant to hurt anyone with any WORD or WORDS i say... i didnt mean to BELITTLE anyone.. AT times i just say something for the sake of saying it( if u know what i mean)
I feel really bad when i hurt someone unintentionally...

And well straight to the point!!!!! I have hurt many ppl with my Words.. All i have to say for myself for now is..



miChi3 said...

for me..
if long long de post,
I will only decide to continue to read or not after reading half of the post..

Some i read until i dun understand, so i'll just skip it..then got some write until long long, without photos, but still i read it because it's actually quite interesting..

last but not least, u dun think i din see u scold bad word o!

Unknown said...

The post wasn't that long. I read the whole thing le. It was full of *enter enter* paragraph breaks ^_^ But I know what you mean when you say lots of people don't bother when there are no pictures to supplement a long blog entry.

I used to write long long long blog entries too full of crap stuff. But it doesn't matter if anyone reads it or not. I have probably only a couple of friends and some family members who visit the blog and that's all. I write for myself, as an outlet to express/vent/share. I don't think it's necessary to write for other people unless that was the purpose of your blog in the first place, entertainment.

Aiya look at me, so long winded! Even comment also write so long! So easy to ramble on and on and on and on.........

Unknown said...

I'm Bell by the way ^_^

Big Belly Khuen said...

MICHIE... haha... same for me.... thas y i always try to write more creatively and make sure my readers dont run half way.. i know its u...most of the time i only write to fulfill my satisfaction of expressing myself..

Shea Speare said...

Mighty oh Chef!!

Straight check after u mention to me yesterday. Hahaha!

Pictures or words, I just read them la. Honestly, I still do skip some para IF only I don't understand.

Cool bro! Nothing biggie about it.

Big Belly Khuen said...

shea... its just a way to express my dissapointment... what did u dont understand???

Shea Speare said...

Aiya...some bloggers they wrote weird weird stuff la. All like related stories leh.